After years of being part of biker gangs, fighting for concerns of others, the destroyed world made Stormrider decide to leave that life behind. The sin and pointless killing made him loose his trust and believe in his life.
Stormrider is an enigmatic warrior who roams the plains of the wasteland on his motorcycle and with his guitar case on his back. This mountain of a man seeks justice for all his fallen brothers and will go to great lengths to get his vengeance.
Exhausted of being alone and always on the run, Stormrider started searching for the Wasteland Clan. Rumours say the Messiah is the only one left to guide the remains of humanity in order to save the planet and keep it liveable. Following all signs finally he found the clan. Offering his loyalty and thunderous lows, he was welcome and became part of the Wasteland Clan.

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